Is *Irregardless a Word? | Definition & Spelling
Regardless is an adverb meaning ‘despite everything’. It’s often used as a transition word at the start of a sentence to change the topic.
‘Irregardless’ is sometimes used instead of regardless. While ‘irregardless’ may be used in informal contexts, it is considered nonstandard and should be avoided in formal or academic writing.
Standard: I might lose, but I’m going to try regardless.
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Regardless of
Regardless can also be used as part of the prepositional phrase regardless of meaning ‘heedless of’ or ‘careless of’. ‘Irregardless of’ is never correct.
I go running every day, regardless of the weather.
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Ryan, E. (2024, October 08). Is *Irregardless a Word? | Definition & Spelling. Scribbr. Retrieved 10 March 2025, from