Duly Noted | Meaning, Definition & Examples
Duly noted is an expression meaning ‘acknowledged and given appropriate consideration’. It’s formed using the adverb ‘duly’ (i.e., ‘in the proper way’) and the verb ‘noted’ (i.e., ‘recorded’ or ‘observed’).
It’s typically used in formal or professional contexts. However, it can also be used ironically in informal contexts to dismiss someone’s opinion or idea.
The parents’ complaints were duly noted by the principal.
Thank you for your suggestions; they have been duly noted.
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What does duly noted mean?
Duly noted is a phrase used to say that something has been properly acknowledged or recorded. It’s usually used in formal or professional contexts. It can be used by itself as an acknowledgement of an opinion, or as part of a sentence.
The business consultant’s advice was duly noted.
The aide ensured that recent complaints regarding the new policy were duly noted by the committee.
Is duly noted rude?
Duly noted can be used in a facetious or sarcastic manner to say that you think someone’s idea is irrelevant or that you don’t care what they have to say. This typically occurs in informal contexts.
Person B: Duly noted. Can I keep watching TV now?
Because duly noted is a brief response and because it’s so frequently used sarcastically, it can be perceived as somewhat rude or dismissive, even when you mean it sincerely. If you’re concerned about coming across as impolite, consider clarifying your intention by thanking the person for their opinion or suggestion.
Dully noted, dually noted, duely noted, dualy noted, dooly noted
‘Dully noted’, ‘dually noted’, ‘duely noted’, ‘dualy noted’, and ‘dooly noted’ are all misspellings of the phrase duly noted. ‘Duly’ (pronounced [doo-lee]) is the adverb form of the adjective ‘due’.
‘Dully’ ([dull-ee]) is the adverb form of the adjective ‘dull’, while ‘dually’ ([doo-uh-lee]) is the adverb form of the adjective ‘dual’, neither of which makes sense in this context. ‘Duely’, ‘dualy’, and ‘dooly’ are not real words.
- Your request has been dully noted.
- Your request has been duly noted.
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Ryan, E. (2024, November 07). Duly Noted | Meaning, Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 March 2025, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/definition/duly-noted-meaning/