Genuflect | Meaning, Definition & Examples
Genuflect (pronounced [jen-yoo-flekt]) is a verb referring to the act of briefly bending down on one knee as a sign of respect or worship (similar to kneeling). It’s a common feature of Christian religious practices and marriage proposals.
‘Genuflect’ is also used metaphorically to describe the behavior of someone who is overly humble or subservient.
The protagonist of the story refused to genuflect before the evil king.
I’m not someone who genuflects for powerful people. I treat everyone equally.
Genuflection is a noun that refers to the act of genuflecting (i.e., touching one knee to the floor or ground as a sign of respect).
‘Genuflexion’ is often used as a variant spelling of genuflection, due to the word’s Latin origin. However, ‘genuflexion’ is not accepted as a valid spelling by most modern dictionaries and is best avoided in formal or academic writing.
Genuflection is a customary part of Catholic worship.
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Ryan, E. (2023, March 13). Genuflect | Meaning, Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 March 2025, from