Advisor or Adviser | Definition, Difference & Examples

Advisor and adviser are different spellings of the same word. Both are considered acceptable spellings, though there is some regional variation.

  • Adviser is the original and more commonly used spelling. It is sometimes considered more informal.
  • Advisor is also considered a correct spelling. It is less commonly used, but usually signifies an official position. It is more common in US English than UK English.
Examples: Adviser and Advisor in a sentence
Despite his lower station, the baron quickly became the queen’s most trusted adviser, called upon to advise her on a variety of subjects.

His vast combat experience made him a sought-after military adviser in the private sector.

Jane had worked as an academic advisor at the local college for many years and was beloved by the students.

When it became clear that liquidating the estate would be less simple than they thought, they decided to hire a financial advisor.

According to the AP Stylebook, adviser is the correct spelling. But other sources such as Merriam-Webster list both spellings as equally correct, with no difference in meaning. The best approach is to pick one spelling and stick to it consistently in your writing.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it advisor or adviser in AP Style?

According to AP Style, adviser is the correct spelling. But other sources such as Merriam-Webster list both advisor and adviser as equally correct. Just pick one and be consistent in your writing.

Is it PhD advisor or adviser?

According to sources such as Merriam-Webster, you can use both PhD advisor and PhD adviser. They are both considered to be equally correct. A good rule of thumb is just to pick either advisor and adviser, and be consistent in your writing.

Is it college adviser or advisor?

According to sources such as Merriam-Webster, you can use both college advisor and college adviser. They are both considered to be equally correct. A good rule of thumb is just to pick either advisor and adviser, and be consistent in your writing.

Is it financial advisor or adviser?

According to sources such as Merriam-Webster, you can use both financial advisor and financial adviser. They are both considered to be equally correct. A good rule of thumb is just to pick either advisor and adviser, and be consistent in your writing.

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George, T. (2023, March 11). Advisor or Adviser | Definition, Difference & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 March 2025, from

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Tegan George

Tegan is an American based in Amsterdam, with master's degrees in political science and education administration. While she is definitely a political scientist at heart, her experience working at universities led to a passion for making social science topics more approachable and exciting to students.