IEEE Website Citation | Guide with Examples

To write an IEEE reference for a website or webpage, include the name of the author, the page title, the name of the website, the URL, and the date when you accessed it. The access date is included in case the page is changed or removed in the future.

An IEEE in-text citation consists of the same number as the relevant reference. If appropriate, you can include a paragraph number to point the reader to a specific piece of text.

IEEE format Author initials. Last name. “Page title.” Website Name. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).
IEEE reference P. Bhandari. “Nominal data | Definition, examples, data collection & analysis.” Scribbr. (accessed Aug. 11, 2022).
IEEE in-text citation Bhandari [1, para. 3] explains that …

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Citing a website with no author

Websites and webpages often don’t list a specific author. When this is the case, you can begin the citation on the IEEE reference page with the title of the page, omitting the author element.

IEEE format Page title.” Website Name. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).
IEEE reference “What is academic writing? | Dos and don’ts for students.” Scribbr. (accessed Aug. 11, 2022).

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Citing a website with no title

Some webpages and websites won’t have any clear title you can use in your reference. If this is the case, replace the missing element(s) with your own description of what the website is. This appears in brackets.

IEEE format Author initials. Last name. [Description of the website/webpage]. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).
IEEE reference J. Caulfield. [Personal blog]. (accessed Aug. 11, 2022).

Frequently asked questions about IEEE website citations

How do I format the IEEE reference page?

The IEEE reference page consists of a list of references numbered in the order they were cited in the text. The title ‘References’ appears in bold at the top, either left-aligned or centered.

The numbers appear in square brackets on the left-hand side of the page. The reference entries are indented consistently to separate them from the numbers. Entries are single-spaced, with a normal paragraph break between them.

How do I cite the same source repeatedly in IEEE citation format?

If you cite the same source more than once in your writing, use the same number for all of the IEEE in-text citations for that source, and only include it on the IEEE reference page once. The source is numbered based on the first time you cite it.

For example, the fourth source you cite in your paper is numbered [4]. If you cite it again later, you still cite it as [4]. You can cite different parts of the source each time by adding page numbers [4, p. 15].

How do I cite a website with no author or title in IEEE citation format?

When a webpage or website doesn’t list an author, you can usually just leave the author out of your IEEE website citation, starting with the page title instead.

When there’s no clear title, you can write your own description of the page or website in brackets in place of the title, e.g., “[Personal blog].”

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, September 03). IEEE Website Citation | Guide with Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 24 March 2025, from

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Jack Caulfield

Jack is a Brit based in Amsterdam, with an MA in comparative literature. He writes for Scribbr about his specialist topics: grammar, linguistics, citations, and plagiarism. In his spare time, he reads a lot of books.