Scribbr’s proofreading services are priced transparently and affordably. Your proofreading rate depends on your word count, selection of services, and turnaround time.
To make the process as smooth as possible, simply upload your whole document and select only the pages that you want us to proofread and edit.
You’ll only be charged for the number of words on the pages you selected. To save you some money, we will automatically deselect your table of contents and reference list!
Your editor improves the overall organisation of your document. Are the headings clear and do they fit well with the content of each paragraph? Does every section contain the right information?
In addition to direct changes and comments, our editors use checklists for the abstract, introduction, discussion and conclusion.
The Structure Check starts at £0.0055 per word.
Your editor reads your thesis as a normal reader would. Does the story make sense? Is it clear and logical? A fresh pair of eyes can notice things you tend to overlook yourself.
Using checklists our editors will check for contradictions, a logical order of sections, and the clarity of your arguments, concepts and ideas.
The Clarity Check starts at £0.0055 per word.
Our citation experts check your reference list, in-text citations and footnote citations to make sure you consistently follow the guidelines of your citation style.
We are experts in APA Style, but we can help you with almost all citation styles. The citation expert also checks your in-text citations against your reference list to make sure they match.
Citation Editing costs £2.00 per source.
Want to contact us directly? No problem. We are always here for you.