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Incorrect punctuation

Incorrect punctuation can create embarrassing situations…

Ever thought that a missing comma or colon could cause hairy situations? Well, as silly as it seems, this isn’t something you want happening to you.

Luckily, this punctuation checkers catches all errors instantly

❌ Commas

The most commonly used (and often misused) punctuation in English.

❌ Apostrophes

Is it a womans’ hat or a woman’s hat? The punctuation checker will tell!

❌ Question marks

In some situations, you might be uncertain whether to use a question mark. When embedding a question in a statement, for example.

❌ Dashes & Hyphens

Did you know there are two types of dashes, in addition to hyphens? And when to use which? Punctuation checker to the rescue!

❌ Colons & Semicolons

But really. When do you use a semicolon?

❌ Quotation marks

Making sure every set of quotation mark is closed.

Grammar checker for comma placement

How does Scribbr’s punctuation checker work?

This punctuation checker gives you instant feedback on your writing. This means you can just start typing or copying a piece of text, and the tool will automatically check if your punctuation is on point. It couldn’t be easier.

Punctuation checker

Why use this punctuation checker?

  • Avoid hilarious (but embarrassing) situations: Let’s eat grandma! The panda eats, shoots, and leaves. I love cooking my pets and my family. Without proper use of punctuation, you’ll be sending some weird messages to people. Scribbr’s punctuation checker will catch every single one.
  • Don’t go on instinct alone: Even the best writers make mistakes. This tool will help you write flawless sentences, so you can write better and faster. You don’t need to keep a memory bank of all the hundreds of different language rules when it comes to punctuation.
  • Get taken seriously: Flawless punctuation makes you look professional (and smart!). It makes crucial documents like your résumé easier to read and scan. It gives your teachers an easier time reading your papers, increasing the odds of a higher grade.

Who can use this punctuation checker?



Make your paper error-free and easy to read. Impress your teachers with your spot-on punctuation. Don’t aim for just a passing grade; get a great one!


Non-native speakers

If English isn’t your first language, all the punctuation rules can feel daunting. With Scribbr’s punctuation checker, your writing will always be top-notch.


Business professionals

At work, you want to be 100% sure that what you write is correct. When writing emails and transcripts, you’ll want your writing to be flawless. You’ll be 100% confident with this punctuation checker.

Why users love our Punctuation Checker

🌐 English UK, US, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Commas, apostrophes and more
⭐️ Rating 4.5 based on 14,642 reviews


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Frequently asked questions

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Does the punctuation checker also fix sentence structure?

Because this is an advanced punctuation checker, it also gives you suggestions for grammatically incorrect sentences.

Is it cheating to use a punctuation checker when writing your paper?

It isn’t. Grammar checkers are acceptable in universities because they do not raise plagiarism concerns and aren’t considered unauthorized tools that provide an unfair advantage. Using a punctuation checker is just as legal as hiring a proofreader.