Scribbr editors have one thing in common: a passion for language.
Their passion, coupled with our high standards for quality, has led to our excellent student satisfaction score of 4.5 on Trustpilot. Our editors are our greatest asset.
Together, we help students achieve academic writing success. Once editors have demonstrated their language prowess, they must prove they have what it takes to edit for Scribbr.
First, we filter out the true language experts with our challenging Scribbr Language Quiz. You really have to know your grammar to pass!
Applicants who make it past the quiz tell us more about their qualifications. They complete a series of short editing assignments to test their skills.
In the Scribbr Academy training programme, editors learn the Scribbr style and edit trial orders, which are assessed by our Senior Editors and Quality Managers.
When we’re satisfied that editors can meet our stringent quality standards, they pass the Academy and join the team of qualified Scribbr editors.