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Make your life easier with the free summariser tool


Academic research

Speed up your academic research by extracting key points.

every day use

Every day use

Reduce your reading time by summarising long blocks of text within seconds.



Easily condense transcripts of long meetings into concise bullet points.


Difficult text

Simplify hard-to-read paragraphs, sentences or complete articles with 1 click.

text summariser

Why use this summariser?

  • 100% free: Generate unlimited summaries without paying a penny
  • Accurate: Get a reliable and trustworthy summary of your original text without any errors
  • No signup: Use it without giving up any personal data
  • Secure: No summary data is stored, guaranteeing your privacy
  • Speed: Get an accurate summary within seconds, thanks to AI
  • Flexible: Adjust summary length to get more (or less) detailed summaries

How to use this summariser

1. Insert, paste or download your text

2. Pick the way you want to summarise

3. Adjust your summary length

4. Get your summary in seconds!

two methods of summarising

2 ways of summarising your text

1. Key sentences

Extracts the key points of your text and turns them into digestible bullet points 

2. Concise paragraphs

Summarises your text in a concise paragraph

Summarise your text today

💸 Free Unlimited text summarisation
🤖 AI-powered Extract key points in seconds
🎯 Accurate Ideal for academic research
🗎 Summarise any text Articles, paragraphs & essays

Want to make sure your summary doesn’t contain any plagiarism?


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Frequently asked questions

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Can the summariser tool handle complex or technical language?

Yes, it can. The AI has been trained on a big dataset, so technical or complex data won’t be a problem for the text summariser.

How fast can the summariser tool generate a summary?

This text summariser can condense long text within seconds.

How much text can the summariser tool handle at once?

At the moment, a maximum of 6,000 words can be summarised at once, within a few seconds. Want to summarise more? Just paste another block of text. There’s no limit on how much text you can summarise with our text summariser.

Can the summariser make several versions of the same text, each with a different level of detail?

The text summariser can give you a longer or shorter summary, depending on your wishes. Want a more detailed summary? Just adjust the summary length at the top.